Welcome to Envoy

Currently, 190 ambassadors or envoys are scattered abroad representing the United State’s interests. Although ambassador Joey Hood lives in Tunisia, works in Tunisia, eats Tunisian food, has Tunisian friends, he’s there to serve the US, its interests, its president, and its people.

The Bible says of Jesus’ followers, “We are Christ’s ambassadors. Christ is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’” Regardless where we live or who we live near, we too are on assignment. You’ve been saved to represent Christ. With actions? Like serving, helping, assisting? Certainly. But Jesus didn’t say “this message will be ILLUSTRATED in the authority of his name to all nations..” but rather “this message will be PROCLAIMED…” We are His ambassadors, His envoys. Except for His people, God has no backup plan for those who need Jesus. Just you. Just me. Just us.

The posts in the months and years ahead will be about disciplemaking. If that interests you, subscribe. If it doesn’t, PLEASE subscribe.


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