Pause to Restore

Brandon Fisher // Oct 2 2022

The Sabbath specifically (and rest generally) can so easily become just another duty for us to do. But it was never meant to be this way. The Sabbath is a gift that God gives to us so that we might regularly be restored and renewed. We need to realize that resting will require boundaries, but those boundaries are about restoring health and life (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). We need to be both carful of making rules where God has made none, and careful of disregarding what God says is good. Resting well will require asking good questions, putting into place good boundaries, and developing good practices and habits. But we also need to remember that none of these things can provide us with the rest we ultimately need. It’s only in Christ that we find true rest for our souls.

Mark 2:23-3:6; Luke 6:1-11; Matthew 11:25-30


Hope in Odd Places


Pause to Relate