The Story of Marriage

Kyle Kauffman // May 21 2023

Marriage is an incredible gift from God. We see marriage as a institution and relationship designed by God for our good and his glory. Yet there are all sorts of ways that marriage can become twisted and distorted. We can attempt to define marriage on our own terms according to our own desires. We can make marriage all about ourselves and our own fulfillment. We can turn marriage into an idol where we seek ultimate satisfaction and meaning. Or we can see marriage as a negative thing to be avoided because it constrains my own personal freedom. God teaches us a story about marriage that both corrects and at points contradicts our own stories about marriage. God gives marriage as a display of his unity and diversity. He gives marriage as a means to great intimacy and pleasure. He gives marriage as the bond to create, support, and protect a family. Yet our marriages are never meant to be ultimate in God’s story. They are a story within the greater story. They are a parable of God’s covenant love. They are a pointer to the intimacy, love, and glory of Jesus.  


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