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What If I Disagree?
Truth Be Told Joel Wood Truth Be Told Joel Wood

What If I Disagree?

Joel Wood

When it comes to knowing the truth, it is inevitable that we will disagree with others and find ourselves in situations where we feel like we need to speak up about what we believe is true. This may be with fellow Christians where we disagree on some truth or it may be in conversations with those who don’t know Christ where we disagree about what is ultimately true. We are not meant to run from disagreements or to avoid those who we disagree with. Rather healthy disagreement and debate is one of the ways that God uses to help us grow in the truth. We live in a world where we tend to avoid those who think differently than us or seek to shame them and yell them down. But we are meant to engage with one another and not avoid disagreements over the truth while doing it all with love and humility.

1 Peter 3:13-1; Ephesians 4:1-2

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What’s Your Diet?
Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman

What’s Your Diet?

Kyle Kauffman

Our ability to know and live according to the truth will be greatly affected by the information we take in. Who and what do we listen to the most, watch the most, read the most, etc? We are people who are inevitably shaped by what we give our attention to. Lots of voices (perhaps more than ever before) clamor for our attention. And we should recognize how valuable our attention is more than ever before. We are meant to give our attention to sources that cultivate wisdom in our lives rather than folly. We are meant to spend more time soaking in the truth then sipping on what is trivial. We are meant to see that more information does not necessarily translate to more wisdom and truth. This week is designed to help us evaluate how we are prioritizing our attention and if our habits in life are conducive to forming us into people who are deeply rooted in the truth.

Proverbs 8-9; Psalm 1; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 3:18

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What’s Your Source?
Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman

What’s Your Source?

Kyle Kauffman

In a world that is full of voices, how do we determine what is true and what isn’t true? In an age where everyone has their own sources, experts, scientists and theories to back something up how do we discern what’s really true and what’s false? How do we determine what is fake news and what’s real news? How do we live wisely in an age of misinformation and disinformation? Christians hold to the belief that if something contradicts the truth of the Bible then it is not true. But how are we to filter all the different information we take in and the voices we listen to? Discernment is an important skill for living in this life and a vital skill for living as a Christian. It’s a skill we are meant to grow in over time. And it’s a skill that helps us to live wisely as we discern what is true and live in accordance with it. The Bible not only highlights the importance of discernment but also teaches us how we can grow in this vital skill.

Hebrews 5:11-14; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

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Who Says?
Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman

Who Says?

Kyle Kauffman

Who gets the final say in what is true in your life? Who do you look to tell you what is true? Who are the authorities you submit to? Authority and truth are inevitably connected because we will look to some authority to determine what is true. But we are prone to have a skepticism and cynicism towards authority. As sinful human beings we don’t like to live under the authority of God or other people. We view authority outside of ourselves as being constricting rather than liberating. We can also look at lots of different ways that authority has been abused or wielded in a way that is destructive. As a result, we are prone to set ourselves up as the ultimate authority. This leaves us in a position where the only authorities we listen to are the ones we like. We accept an authority if it reinforces our views and reject an authority if it challenges our views. The Bible presents itself as the ultimate authority. It presents itself as being the very words of God. If we are to know what is true, then we must submit ourselves to the Bible as our authority. This will mean believing what the Bible says is true and living according to what the Bible says is true. Rather than this limiting our freedom, we find it frees us to actually live as we were designed to.

2 Timothy 3:14-4:4

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What is Truth?
Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman Truth Be Told Kyle Kauffman

What is Truth?

Kyle Kauffman

What is truth? It’s a question that’s as old as time. And it’s a question that’s as important as life itself. We ask this question because we want to know what is true and what is false. But even more importantly we ask this question because we want to know if truth really exists and if so, how we can come to know the truth. We live in a world where absolute truth is viewed with suspicion. We prefer phrases like this is “my truth” or “your truth” to the idea that something is universally true for all people. We are prone to look inward to our feeling and desires to discover what is true rather than looking outward to some source of truth outside of ourselves. We tend to think the truth can be changed to fit our preferences rather than recognizing truth that my preferences must conform too. In short, we live in a time where we seek to make truth what we want it to be rather than seeking to know what is really true.

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